

Make new words by changing one letter at a time. Can you turn one word into another in a limited number of steps?


Crack the code to reveal the quote in this classic cipher puzzle, or cryptogram.

Kriss Kross

The classic word-fit puzzle – POWGI style!


Find the missing letters to make a new word. Watch out for red herrings!


A crossword puzzle solved using logic – a POWGI exclusive!


Little crossword puzzles only have one letter missing, which come together to solve a clue!


Three overlapping circles hide three connected words. Can you unscramble them?

One Word 2

The word search puzzle with a difference returns with even more quotes to find – one word at a time!


Place pairs of letters on the petals to make six-letter words through the middle of the flower.


The fiendishly difficult anagram game!  Unscramble the letters to reveal three different words.

One Word

The word search with a difference – there’s only one word to find!

Word Wheel

Fast & fun anagrams. Climb up the online rankings with each word you find.

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